Friday, November 2, 2007

The wonders of Photography

Since we moved to Abtsteinach, we have taken thousands of pictures. To my surprise, I could not find one where Anja and I are together. Probably has something to do with me taking most of the pictures, and when I am not, it is Anja.

So we had to do a little maniplulation, but it finally worked. Now we have a picture together from the summer of 2007. The only thing is, the housing in the background are actually in Lohrbach and not Abtsteinach. It is the next little town on the way down the mountain.

Hope you enjoy it!

The wonderful world of Cyberworld

It works now. That is what is really amazing. Without any changes, coming back a few days later, and the weather shows up exactly where it should. Great. Now I just need a little more time to work on this.!