Monday, June 16, 2008

After months of preparation, the day finally arrived...

Vera has been taking preparatory course for her Confirmation for the last several months now. Almost every Thursday evening she met with the other members of her group and their "spiritual counselor" to help them prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation. They also spent a weekend on retreat together to get to know one another better and be able to talk freely.

Along the way the group achieved some positive accomplishments. Among these, was a lunch during Lent for the church members. This generated 800 EUR (approx. $1,200) which the group donated to a mission in Mannheim for homeless teenagers. The mission provides shelter and a warm meal for homeless teenagers, plus counseling to help get themselves "back together".

The group also produced a "commercial" for Christianity (I used this word instead of Catholicism to reflect the Ecumenical philosophy here in Europe) during their retreat weekend. After doing the initial TV shooting during the retreat, they worked afterwards editing the cuts into the final film and recording the sound track. The final result was played at the Confirmation services. The key message was reaching out to help those in need. It was simple, but well done and well received by those in attendance.

Since most of the family around the world was not able to come and celebrate, I set up a web with some pictures from the day. You can find the photos from Vera's Confirmation (June 15, 2008) on:

>> to Vera's Confirmation Photos

This page contains all of the small pictures (thumbnails) for a quick overview. Clicking on the thumbnail opens a larger version of the picture, this time formatted better for printing (in 5" x 7" format).

Hope you enjoy the pictures.

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